The Maple Forest

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This was a plan that the owner found on the internet called The Maple Forest. It was a relatively small build site for this large house and his one request in regards to setting it was that he wanted the deck to be pinned into the ledge so that he was on the edge of the drop-off. I was able to do just that. The basement frost wall was drilled and pinned into an exposed ledge but we were able to avoid blasting with some creativity. This house has an open loop geothermal heating/cooling system with radiant floors throughout. The entire envelope has closed cell spray foam insulation.

This house is like a native bungalow style of house that is very beautiful visually and very high-quality style of the house.

This house was created in the middle of the forest full of Maples Trees, which an ideal place to stay because you are surrounded by Maples Trees that can produce syrup used as a dressing for pancakes and other desserts. And also, you can make your own different musical instruments there because the wood of maple is used in the industry of music instruments for the production of violins, viola, guitars, and drums. And also Maple is a very good tree it can also be used to make different types of furniture, baseball bats, bowling pins, and butcher’s blocks are often made of maple trees.



Maple forest type extends from the Atlantic coast west to Minnesota, Michigan and from southern Canada south to Virginia and Tennessee. It is widespread in New York and was an important component of the original vegetation of northeastern Ohio.


Yes, there are a lot of benefits, you can breathe better since trees are the source of oxygen; and also you are free from air pollution, because according to my research, in the USA the air pollution was reduced thereby 17.4 million tonnes in just 1 year, the reason behind her is that leaves absorb a lot of air pollutants that can cause respiratory diseases to us, humans.

Another benefit in living here at Maple Forest according to research if you have an illness or from the operation, you will recover faster because patients at a Pennsylvania hospital who were recovering from gall bladder operations recovered faster when their rooms had a view of trees than those who were just looking out at a building. The research by Dr. Roger Ulrich covered the years from 1972-1981. In general, it was found that those looking at the brick wall needed more painkillers, more encouragement and they usually took a day longer to recover than those who were lucky enough to have a room with a tree view.

Another benefit that we can get is living near trees can help with anxiety, stress, and depression. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin decided to see if trees near people’s homes were having any beneficial effect on their mental health. They wanted to compare them with those living around more concrete. First, they surveyed the health of over 2,500 residents in Wisconsin and then gathered satellite images to show how many trees and vegetation were in their areas. They found that those living near trees were suffering from less anxiety, stress, and depression than those who lived in areas with a tree canopy of less than 10%. The interesting thing is that these results were consistent and were not affected by race, income level, or education. They noted that a poorer person living near a logging road was happier than wealthier residents on a treeless block in a town or city.

Another benefit is you can sleep better with fresh feelings, we don’t need an instrument that produces air such as an electric fan, aircon, and etc. because it is naturally cold. So we can also conserve electricity that is very beneficial to our Mother Earth.

And lastly, when you live there you can eat healthy foods that are being picked in our own backyard because Maple Trees always has a companion of shrubs and vegetables, that is why we can eat organic food, not food that has preservatives.


Maple Forest Custom Home is bigger than the regular houses, spacey, and it is really good looking, its like a native modern house. But despite its bigger size and better design than a regular house, it is cheaper in price, that is why it is very advisable to get a Maple Forest Custom Home because you have a very beautiful and big house at a very reasonable price.

Also compare to any other houses, this Maple Forest Custom Home because is more comfortable to live in and all positive vibes due to the materials being used to build this house.

It is good for old people who already retired and all they wanted is to chill, this is the best house because there are many features to look at. Also for grandparents who want to spend time with their grandchildren, this will a very good house, physically for the kids because they can run around widely, and mentally for the oldies who want peace of mind.


The disadvantages would be, It is high maintenance since it is made with concrete and wood, compared to another regular pure concrete house, wood will depreciate father, thus, seasonal replacement is required

Another disadvantage of having this home is that it is more prone to fire, since wood attracts fire, if part of the house will be on fire, it will easily spread that can cause all house to be burnt down, unlike to regular concrete house, if one part of the house will be on fire, it will take time to burn everything, that’s why usually if there’s fire only parts of the house will be burned.